Top 6 Android Apps for Making Daily Task Easy

Applications, often known as apps, have evolved into a tool to make daily tasks easier. While Apple users benefit from several additional features and benefits, Android users can also have them by downloading some of the play store's free apps. We show such apps and a review of them in this series on app introduction. Check it out and give it a shot. These are our the first top 6 Android apps for this series. You can thank us afterward.

Black Screen:

black Screen Android App+play youtube with screen locked
Black Screen App
Let's start with an app that lets you play YouTube with the screen off. . The app name is called "Black Screen". Once you've installed it and open it, all you need to do is enable the black screen and you'll see a little lock icon on your home screen. Luckily, you can move it anywhere on your screen just by clicking and holding it down. When you're ready to listen to music or a podcast or any video on YouTube, open them in YouTube app and press play. Now in the black screen app, click the lock icon and your screen will turn off, while your music or streaming contents will be playing in the background. This seriously helps save your battery and also seems pretty nice when you're listening to music at night.

Play music for hours with your screen off. To me, that sounds cool and fun.

Screen Master:

Screen Master+ Take long Screen Shots in Android
Screen Master
Did you know there is an app for ridiculously long screenshots? The name of the app is "Screen Master". Once you've installed the application, open the app. After that you just need to activate it by clicking that power button. Just like the previous app, you have a little floating icon which you can move to anywhere on the screen. Next what you can do is, open any app. Click the screenshot icon, just tap on stitch option. Every time you click that plus icon, it'll scroll down and take another screenshot. Do it until you reach the last page of the screen shot you want to take. Finally, when you're all done and happy with the length, just click on auto stitch and it'll automatically stitch every single screenshot you took. This app allows you to take a scrolling screenshot, make it as long as you want, and in any app.


Muviz+Edge Lighting Application
In this app, you can add some awesome edge lighting effects to your music and notifications. The app is called "Muviz". The minute you open it up, you can instantly see that there is lighting effect in edges of your smartphone screen.

Make sure you toggle on available three settings and then you can start customizing your edge panel. There are so many different free ones to choose from as well as some paint options. On top of that, you can also choose from a bunch of different custom colors. Once you're, done just click apply and now every time you play music or get a notification, you'll see this amazing edge lighting effect.


Diffuse+Media Themed Wallpaper
Let's now add some music to your phone wallpaper with help of an app called "Diffuse". Once you open it, tap on set wallpaper and at the bottom, click 'set wallpaper' once more. Choose whether you want it for your home screen or for both home and lock screen. Finally toggle on livebeat and decide on the intensity you want for your wallpaper. What this app does is, it takes the album artwork of whatever song you're listening to and uses it as a diffused wallpaper on your phone. So every time a brand new song plays on Spotify or even Apple music or any other music streaming platform/app, your wallpaper will completely change accordingly.


Snapdrop+ Sharing App easily
So if you know Apple device features, they have this super useful airdrop feature in them. But what about Android then? Well other than 'nearby share' Google Option, Android users can get "Snapdrop". Not only is this app unbelievably useful, it's also so easy to use on the android phone. All you need to do is open up the app in Android and on i-phone just go to Each device is given a unique name and to transfer files just tap on the other device name. Select your file and in seconds it is sent. Transferring files between an android and i-phone device has literally never been so easy and of course to transfer back, you just do the exact same thing in a snap and they'll receive the file. You can just click save and then you're done. It's that simple. You can send and receive any file to any device and there is no size limit as long as you're all connected to the same wi-fi.

Media Bar:

Media Bar+Control media play in status bar
Media Bar
How about an app to specifically control all your media? It's called "Media bar". Once you open the app make sure you toggle on media bar and now no matter what media you open, whether it's apple music, YouTube or even Spotify, as soon as you click the play button this bar appears at the top of the screen and shows you how far the media is. You can actually use it to quickly scrub through your media and not only that, within the settings you can also decide on the bar thickness. Whether you want it at the top/bottom or even gradient colors. There is also so much more to this app. So you definitely need to check it out.

We hope you found the content interesting. Keep an eye out for the next series. Please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section.

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