Electronic Gadgets for students in Learning: 10 Advantages and Applications

Electronic gadgets, especially in case of students, have found their way into the classroom learning process in this age of technology and communication. These devices have been utilized to constantly enhance and expand learning techniques for kids. Tablets, cellphones, and cameras are the most common electronic gadgets utilized by students.

These electronic gadgets also help to meet the increased demand from learners in terms of necessities. Using technology accessible for educational purposes, tasks and interaction are made easier.

electronic gadgets for students in learning
Electronic Gadgets for students in learning

However, there are disagreements over the benefits and drawbacks of using electronic gadgets in the classroom. This blog post focuses on the benefits it may provide kids.

So, what are the advantages and applications of gadgets in student learning?

1. Enhances learning outcome in general.

According to a 2005 research by Behnke, Gilliland, Schneider, and Singer, using tablets in class can help students perform better and reduce the percentage of kids who do badly in class.

Not only that, but using tablets in class helps to increase the effectiveness of teaching techniques and the learning capacity of kids.

Overall, the use of electronic gadgets has increased the flexibility of classroom activities. The many features and purposes of gadgets in the classroom also contribute to effectively transforming teaching and learning techniques, and as a result, multiple senses of students are engaged as a result of their use.

2. Allows for student-centered learning.

Learning has always relied on teacher-centered practices. Learning has strayed from this focus as a result of changes in teaching approaches and the availability of electronic gadgets in the classroom.

Electronic gadgets, according to a 2012 research by Nah, Lim, and Yih, assist promote and extend student-centered learning by providing extra capabilities that allow students to take an active role in the classroom. Individualized engagement has been created by their freedom and capacity to choose their learning speed utilizing these devices.

3. Improves the ability to remember information.

One of the most important factors in judging if students are learning effectively in class is retention. Activating students' numerous senses while utilizing electronic gadgets in class, on the other hand, may aid information retention.

According to a 2015 research by Krause, Mogalle, Pohl, and Williams, social gamification can aid in increasing student information retention.

4. It improves the way lectures are presented and illustrated.

Traditional means of presenting content, such as the use of whiteboards, hardcopy drawings, and old-school black-and-white projectors, have been replaced by the use of gadgets in the classroom, which have made audio-visual and media presentations not only available but also portable for students.

Students and teachers can use technological gadgets to alter the methods in which knowledge is delivered in class. These methods frequently increase classroom involvement.

5. Collaboration is improved.

Collaboration among students grows as a result of the individualised and various purposes of gadgets in the classroom, particularly in terms of classroom involvement and engagement.

As previously said, the use of technology allows for more flexibility in learning. Similarly, due to the advantages and accessibility of devices, cooperation becomes more voluntary in comparison to conventional learning techniques. Virtual classrooms, online debates, and online activities are all examples of this.

6. It's possible to utilize it for study.

This is the most well-known application of employing technology in the classroom. For easy research or assignments, students no longer need to physically travel to libraries and read hardcopy books. In a couple of seconds, they have access to information.

Furthermore, internet research is not confined to Google or Google Scholar. Schools frequently give paid access to academic digital databases like Ebsco and Jstor. These database platforms are no longer limited to library PCs; students may now access them via tablets and mobile phones.

7. It may be used to make it simpler to access resources and to store data.

Students no longer take notes in the conventional sense; instead, they can save books and notes as pdf or e-book copies or by photographing lecture notes. They can also capture audio and video recordings of lectures and debates for as long as the lecturer or professor allows it. Also, if they want supplies, they may obtain them using the most portable devices available, such as cell phones.

In addition, according to a 2005 research by Behnke, Gilliland, Schneider, and Singer, the use of tablets increases the amount of information absorbed by students.

8. Students can use it to double-check facts.

Because information is more readily available, students can take initiative to verify the material offered to them among themselves. As a result, their information fluency and critical thinking skills will improve.

According to a 2017 Mada research, gadgets can aid in the development of learning abilities such as assembling, assessing, and utilizing data.

According to a 2013 research by Thomas, O'Bannon, and Bolton, the ability for students to check material on the internet enhances communication, cooperation, and cooperative problem solving among students and instructors.

9. It may be used to make communication simpler.

Students and instructors no longer have to send information to each other via text messages or emails; instead, electronic gadgets provide platforms for portable and simpler sharing of important school-related information, such as Facebook groups, Google Classroom, and other learning management systems.

Also, because most devices contain educational functions that may be used for learning, collaboration between students and teachers is easier.

10. It's possible to utilize it in a virtual classroom or for virtual learning.

The term "virtual classroom" refers to an online learning environment. Students and teachers in the virtual classroom employ tools including video conferencing, an online whiteboard, and chat boxes.

This is mostly beneficial for increasing learning flexibility and maximising the educational benefits of technology. According to McBrien and Jones' study, a virtual classroom is a platform that may boost students' involvement and participation by allowing them to use digital tools and procedures.

Final Words :

So there you have it! We've gone through all ten advantages and applications of using electronic gadgets in the classroom. However, these advantages can only be fully realized if the use of these devices is monitored. During discussions, for example, social media apps should be limited or prohibited unless absolutely necessary and relevant to existing classroom activities. Other educationally irrelevant uses of these devices should be avoided as well. Otherwise, using electronic gadgets in the classroom may distract kids and so be unproductive.

Other References,

  • Nah, E. A., Lim, T. H., & Yih, B. (2012). Enhancing student-centered learning through usage of television commercials via wiki. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 67, 144-155.
  • Krause, M., Mogalle, M., Pohl, H., & Williams, J. J. (2015, March). A playful game changer: Fostering student retention in online education with social gamification. In Proceedings of the Second (2015) ACM conference on Learning@ Scale (pp. 95-102).

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